Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby

Slip and Fall

Idaho Slip and Fall Injury Attorneys

A simple fall may sound harmless, but these accidents can result in serious—in some cases, even fatal—injuries. Our attorneys are aware that victims of slip and fall accidents may be left with massive medical costs or long-term expenses related to rehabilitation or lost wages from the injury. When slip and fall accidents occur at a business or public place, victims might have a right to compensation from the property owner for their injuries.

Take swift action after an Idaho slip and fall accident

One of the most important steps you can take after a slip and fall is to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. At the Twin Falls offices of Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby, our seasoned Idaho personal injury attorneys have spent decades fighting for compensation on behalf of victims of slip and fall accidents. Our premises liability lawyers can provide a free consultation for you after a slip and fall, ensuring that you know your rights and don’t miss your opportunity to file a claim based on your injuries. Contact the Boise and Twin Falls injury accident attorneys Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby today to discuss your case.

Where do slip and fall accidents happen?

If you need seasoned, knowledgeable, and dedicated legal help after an Idaho slip and fall accident, contact the Boise slip and fall attorneys at Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby for a no-cost consultation at 208-336-2552, with additional offices in Twin Falls at 208-734-2552.

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